here's last year's Valentine's moon. such a beautiful shot, but i hardly knew what i was doing with my camera (and didn't even have it set to capture the highest quality image, nor did i take enough other pictures at that location, rushing off to try to compose other shots at other places, which is a bad idea with an extremely limited time window).
am at the library today, re-recording last week's Essential Mix, since the original got somewhat messed up by me doing to much on the internet while recording.
have been spending quality time with some old friends -- Mary Ann and Michael C. -- writers, of course. THE MILL ON THE FLOSS (which i haven't read before, at least not to the end) and SPHERE (which is much fluffier, but still a lot of fun and a great ride).
with MILL, it's the first time in *years* that i've found myself really caring what happens to people in the story. i really don't want Maggie to end up marrying Stephen, but Phillip instead. i still have the last chunk of the book to go.
also just finished Daniel Dennett's SWEET DREAMS: Philosophical Obstacles To A Science Of Consciousness. great great stuff. my hero. makes me want to go back to grad school.
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