it may have been only half an inch or so of the white stuff, but it sure makes the land feel more like winter. this picture is of a little section of the Sudbury Reservoir Trail, which i pass by on the way to Starbuck's or the gym. it may not have been the Blizzard of '78, that so-called snowstorm; but it makes this feel more like home.
did anyone watch the president's State of DisUnion address last night? i had it as a PIP in one corner of the screen as i played Tekken 5, a fighting game which seemed an appropriate surround for W's address (which the tv's sound was on). maybe W's motto should be "If we're going to do something wrong [like the war on Iraq], let's do it wrong RIGHT [by surging the troops]."
have been reading THE GREAT ESCAPE, by Paul Brickhill. like the movie, which was based on the book, but with way more detail and sad details and pain & struggle and some humor. a compelling read. the movie was sort of a distillation of a few facets of the book, and it's interesting to read the characters who were combined into the movie roles.
happy day, all.
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