Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Remember the bombing of Pearl Harbor -- Denounce the "alt-right" and Richard Spencer

on this 75th anniversary of a sad day -- the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese military on Thursday, December 7th, 1941 (which drew the United States into World War Two after two years of non-intervention) -- let us take the opportunity to denounce the neo-nazi, white-supremecist, & white-nationalist "alt-right" movement, and more specifically Richard Spenser (who stands for many of the things we were supposedly fighting against).

i'm frightened by people who *aren't* repulsed by the "alt-right" -- aren't you?

i'd bet that people in Germany are freaked out.  here's an article in The Times of Israel:
"Government spokesman says DC gathering in celebration of Trump victory revolting, but Berlin has ‘great faith in American civil society’ to address such issues"

please stand with me in opposing hate and intolerance; let us remain on the side of freedom and mutual-acceptance.

(and may we join the protesters at Texas A&M in denouncing Richard Spenser:

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