Monday, January 28, 2013

Cornell University Suicide Exposé

Well, sort of.  The memoir that Mary Evans wrote in 2001—anomaly— is finally available on Amazon as an ebook.  And some of it is set on the Cornell University campus.  And there is a suicide attempt.  But it's not very sensationalistic or tabloidish.  It's just the story of part of someone's life.  An unusual story, certainly.  And it does expose some of the unfortunate culture of suicide that existed for too long at Cornell.

So far the commercial success of the book has been underwhelming.  But the book wasn't written with commercial "success" in mind.  The book was written because the writer had to write it—that's what writing is often about.

[some appropriate tags for the book:]
mental health
traumatic brain injury
Cornell University

Not the most fun list, except for the last three.  They are the salvation of anomaly.

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