Saturday, January 12, 2013

More Writing

More steps towards making anomaly an ebook.  Put the whole text, with proper indentation via MS Word, into an RTF file; then got Calibre to convert it into a Mobi file (with only a few tweaks for it not to add extra space after carriage returns, et cetera).  And i've previewed the result on the Kindle app for my computer, though not the actual Kindle itself yet—not until i straighten out a few pictures which didn't make it through Word.

I left the text from the original pretty much untouched (despite how much i'd like to re-write the whole thing), and mostly i'd like it to be out there for when i finish Better Off (hopefully this year).  First on Amazon, next on Barnes & Noble; then it'll be more in public.  More writing.

Happy Saturn's day to you all!

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